Bilateral agreements in the codification area were signed
16. 11. 2012
Members of Directorate of Standardization, Codification and Metrology Department of Defence Technology participated at 102nd meeting of Main group AC/135 NATO Aligned Committee for codification, which was held from 12th to 15th November in Marakkech, Morocco.
On the margin of this meeting, two bilateral agreements in the matter of codification had been signed between Ministry of Defence Republic of Serbia and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Republic of France. These agreements make products of Serbian Defence Industry and also any domestic Serbian products landmark recognizable on the market of NATO Codification System. These agreements are allowed increasing of quality of logistic support especially for declared forces in peace keeping mission.
Republic of Serbia has applied for higher partner membership level giving request with questioner to Allied Commute AC/135 in August. On this way Serbia is going to become the tenth non-NATO country with this status of full codification capability beside Russia, Brasilia and other nine countries. Before our application all other mandatory requirements were fulfill including determination of first hundred stock number for armament and military equipment and acquiring of necessary information capability. The last requirement is signing mandatory bilateral agreement with six countries. Signing two bilateral agreements during the meeting we are closer to this goal.
In the first quarter of next year it is expected that testing procedure of Serbian national codification bureau will be finished. Testing will be done by six testing nations like USA and France and NSPA (NATO supporting agency former NAMSA). This will be fruitful conclusion of two years hard work on implementation of NATO codification system.