What is NCAGE code?

NCAGE is a code which identifies the manufacturer, supplier or agent (provider) in NATO codification system.

NCAGE consists of five characters. Serbian NCAGE codes have the form A…S. First NCAGE code А001S got company PRVI PARTIZAN A.D. Serbian NCAGE codes arе related with Serbian companies.

NCAGE includes manufactur, supplier, or provider, name, address, zip code, and telephone and fax numbers, E-mail and Web site address.


Who can get NCAGE and how to apply?

In Serbia, the producer or supplier may submit a request for NCAGE code, if it does not exist.

NCB of Serbia keeps records if the company already has NCAGE.

For producer's origin from countries which is not the member of NATO codification system, NCAGE will be assigned by NSPA.



Beginning on November 1, 2014, a new regulation for Owners of SAM Registrants

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